
CEL: Alpha One, 60 Softgels

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Alpha One


  • Incredible Pumps
  • Lean Muscle Gains
  • Hardcore Strength Gains
  • Enhanced Fat Loss
  • Improved Body-Composition
  • Ultra-Potent cAMP Activator
  • Increased Muscle Fullness & Vascularity
  • Potent Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic Properties

Lean Muscle & Strength

Fat Loss & Enhanced Body-Composition


Alpha One contains a potent natural anabolic and recomposition agent, a-Cedrene, that has been shown to support increases in muscle mass and strength, while simultaneously enhancing fat loss!

Alpha One is the first commercially available 95%+ a-Cedrene on the market.

Each softgel of Alpha One contains the dosage shown in studies to produce these powerful benefits!

Alpha One Highlights/Supports:

  • Incredible Pumps
  • Lean Muscle Gains
  • Hardcore Strength Gains
  • Enhanced Fat Loss
  • Improved Body-Composition
  • Ultra-Potent cAMP Activator
  • Increased Muscle Fullness & Vascularity
  • Potent Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic Properties

Ask Yourself a Couple of Questions:

  • Do you want to build muscle?
  • Do you want to increase strength?
  • Do you want to lose fat?
  • Do you want to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
  • Do you want to retain lean muscle and strength while dieting?
  • Do you want to increase pumps and muscle fullness?

^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Alpha One may be right for you.

A very exciting aspect of Alpha One is that it works differently than almost anything else, which makes it stackable with almost anything else to help you reach your individual goals.

Examining the Potential Benefits:

Lean Muscle & Strength:

Alpha One can help build lean muscle and strength through a variety of pathways, including some very unique and exciting ones that are unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.

(cAMP) Cyclic adenosine monophosphate:

cAMP is a very important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.

cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties

Olfactory Receptors:

Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.

mTOR/Akt & Improved Protein Synthesis:

When researchers studied the muscle cells from mice that had been given a-Cedrene, they saw that it had increased the activity of anabolic signaling molecules such as mTOR and Akt.


Research on mice has shown that a-Cedrene decreased Myostatin.

Myostatin is a myokine that limits muscle growth in humans and other animals, especially in skeletal muscles used for movement.

As one study concluded:

α-Cedrene is a promising agent that may be used to enhance the mass and strength of skeletal muscle.

Fat Loss & Enhanced Body-Composition:

One very exciting aspect of one of the rodent studies on a-Cedrene is that it is one of few ingredients that has been shown in a study to cause muscle gain and fat loss at the same time.

The study showed that supplementation with a-Cedrene did not make the mice heavier. However, it made them more muscular and stronger.

In laymen’s terms, this means that the mice maintained their body weight by building muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Let’s take a moment to really understand and fully appreciate the significance of that:

They were losing fat and building muscle at the same time!

Pumps & Muscle Fullness:

This is an aspect of Alpha One that we weren’t expecting to be nearly as pronounced as it was for a lot of people!

By the time we had let some testers try Alpha One, we already had labels printed. The feedback was so good for pumps that we actually tossed the original labels and had new ones printed to mention the pumps and muscle fullness aspects.

Here is some feedback from real people that tried them:

“Whatever is in those softgels is brutal for pumps. Did a high rep arm workout and I swear I thought my arms were going to split through the skin if I bent them.”

“Most of my workouts aren’t conducive to pumps, but I switched it up for the session today and I laid on the floor with my arms outstretched because I had to tell myself they wouldn’t tear if I bent them.”

“Whatever these softgels are, they’re awesome. They remind me of the pumps back when I could use X-Gels. They’re a different type of pump than a pump product, like a denser rock hard pump.”

Exciting & Novel Natural Anabolic Pathways:

Alpha One works via a multi-faceted approach towards building muscle and losing fat, including a new and novel pathway compared to other natural anabolic and recomposition ingredients.

a-Cedrene, the active ingredient in Alpha One works through several unique methods of action, with two very exciting ones being cAMP and the olfactory receptors.

Olfactory Receptors:

What are Olfactory Receptors?

The olfactory receptors are most commonly thought of as being connected to our sense of smell but are also found in many different areas of the body including skeletal muscle, the liver, heart, brain, and fat cells and performing some very unique and important functions.

Olfactory Receptors represent a novel pathway that can lead to increases in cAMP in places we want it to occur, such as muscle and fat cells.

a-Cedrene & the Olfactory Receptors:

One way that a-Cedrene exerts its powerful anabolic and recomposition effects is due to its ability to act as an agonist to the OR10J5 olfactory receptor, which leads to the activation of the cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) pathway and leads to potent increases in cAMP in target tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat cells.

This same pathway also supports improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and enhanced fat lipolysis (breakdown).

cAMP (Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate):

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is an important cellular messenger that has been shown to perform many key functions in the body including playing an important role in fat loss, body-composition, and the regulation of skeletal muscle mass.

The term ‘second messenger’ was coined with the discovery of cAMP. The term is used to identify a small molecule generated intracellularly upon cell stimulation and capable of regulating downstream cellular events.

Muscle Building:

cAMP is a very important secondary messenger for signal transduction at the cellular level and has been shown to perform key functions in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and function.

cAMP elevating agents have been reported to promote significant increases in protein synthesis and reductions in catabolic process, which means that cAMP has both anabolic and anti-catabolic properties.

Fat Loss:

cAMP promotes the mobilization of glucose and fatty acid reserves, and increasing levels of cAMP can support increased levels of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat).

At least one study found a correlation between fat-cell size and cAMP concentration in obese non-diabetic patients.

Healthy Aging:

cAMP has been shown to mimic the healthy aging effects of calorie restriction by reducing adipose tissue size, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increasing SIRT1 and SIRT3 levels.

cAMP plays an important role in many biological processes as a second messenger, and cAMP has been shown in studies to improve aging related phenotypes by increasing levels of Sirtuins, which mimic the effects of calorie restriction. Experiments in vitro showed that cAMP binds to SIRT1 and SIRT3 and increased their activity. These findings suggest that cAMP may support healthy aging and is a good candidate to mimic calorie restriction.

A note about increasing cAMP:

Increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels may cause stomach discomfort in some individuals. This is rare, but possible with any cAMP increasing supplements.

If individuals experience stomach discomfort with any cAMP increasing supplements, it is suggested that they take the supplements with food as that resolves it in most people. It is also suggested that the individual stay with the minimum suggested dose and not increase the dosage until the stomach discomfort subsides.