
Hi-Tech: Precision EAA's, 30 Servings

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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Precision EAAs 30 Servings

Working out day in and day out, but not recovering like you should? Then you may not be getting enough EAA's for all the work you are putting in! That's why Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has released it's first ever EAA supplement! This high-quality EAA supplement will help you recover quicker so you can get in more workouts and increase lean muscle mass and strength from your workouts. Not only that, it is one of the best tasting EAA supplements to ever hit the market!

Precision EAAs™ delivers all 9 Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) for complete muscle protein synthesis. Precision EAAs™ was efficaciously formulated with 10 grams of essential amino acids that mimic the exact amino acid profile as your muscle tissue, giving you the ability to rebuild muscle faster than it’s being broken down. Being in this state, known as the anabolic state, boosts muscle protein synthesis and your ability to recover and add more lean muscle mass. It also contains 6.6 grams of BCAAs in the clinically proven 2:1:1 ratio. Essential Amino Acids provide your body with the 9 amino acids it can’t create on its own, but are required in the building of new muscle. Precision EAAs™ also contain coconut water to give superior hydration to help improve training endurance and deliver nutrients to muscle.†

Benefits of Precision EAAs

  • Clinically Proven 2:1:1 Ratio
  • Build New Muscle
  • Improves Hydration
  • Supports Endurance

Directions & Dosage

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals recommends that you take one scoop per day during your workout. You can take an additional scoop post-workout. Drink in 6-8 ounces of water or your favorite beverage.

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