
5% Nutrition: Diges-TEN, 60 Capsules

5% Nutrition: Diges-TEN, 60 Capsules

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This outstanding product is a full spectrum digestive enzyme complex. Diges-TEN features full disclosure labeling and exceptional dosing. This formula consists of 7 Blends. They are:

Dynamic Digestion Blend
Here’s a powerful 1-2 complex that will dramatically improve overall digestion. 

Betaine Hydrochloride - 100mg - Betaine is known by many names. Betaine Anhydrous is currently popular as an effective power and strength ingredient. It’s similar to creatine and pulls water into the muscles the same way creatine does. Then there’s betaine hydrochloride. This form of betaine promotes normal protein digestion. That’s a huge benefit for any 5%er. But there’s more. This also promotes normal gastric pH. It improves the absorption of several important minerals that include iron and calcium. Finally, it improves B12 absorption. How’s that for a list of benefits?(6)

Ox Bile - 100mg - In the body, the liver produces bile. It is used to help break down fat. It also supports the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. You can see the problems a deficiency might cause. Therefore, we’ve included ox bile in our innovative Diges-TEN formula.(7)

Protein Breakdown Blend
This powerful blend of digestive enzymes optimizes protein digestion. Stop and think about that for a moment. For a bodybuilder, powerlifter, or any 5% athlete, protein is key. It goes without saying; you want to get the most out of your protein consumption. Besides, what good is it if you can’t thoroughly digest it? Let’s look at what makes up this impressive blend:

Protease - 152mg - A group of enzymes whose sole function is to break down protein.(8)

Bromelain - 150mg - Another group of enzymes that comes from the stem of pineapple fruit. Sometimes called pineapple enzyme, this ingredient helps the body digest protein.(9)

Pancreatin - 65mg - The primary function of this enzyme is to support the breakdown of food. This includes carbohydrates and fats, as well as protein.(10)

Papain - 65mg - Also known as papaya enzymes, this is another enzyme that breaks down protein into smaller particles to be used by the body.(11)

As you can see, we’ve gone beyond those other digestive formulas by providing not one, not two, but four protein-digesting enzymes in one overdosed complex. 

Carbohydrate Breakdown
Of course, there’s more to a hardcore diet than protein. As important as protein is, you also need quality carbohydrates and fats. Slower-burning carbs should make up the bulk of your carb intake. Yet you also need simple carbs in the hours around your workout. That means you need optimal digestion of those carbs.

Amylase - 108mg - A digestive enzyme that breaks down carbs for more efficient digestion and absorption.(12)

Fat Breakdown
Of course, fat can help you feel full. Not to mention, healthy fat has a variety of roles in the body. While you want to avoid some fats, you also want to consume healthy fats such as nuts, cheese, and fatty fish, to name a few. You’ll want the most efficient digestion possible to get the full benefits from your intake of fat. 

Lipase - 70mg - This enzyme improves the digestion of fat. Lipase breaks fats down into more water-soluble compounds to help the body use fats more efficiently.(8)

Fiber Breakdown
Fiber is important to your health. It helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. By controlling levels of blood sugar, fiber can also help you lose body fat if that’s your goal. Also, high-fiber foods are more filling to help keep you satisfied longer. We’ve included an enzyme to help digest fiber so you can experience all the benefits it offers.

Cellulase – 26mg - This enzyme is actually a complex carbohydrate. It helps break down the plant fiber we eat into polysaccharides. The body then uses this compound or expels it.(13)

Milk Sugar (Lactose) Breakdown
Many people love dairy products yet can’t digest lactose, the sugar commonly found in such foods as milk or yogurt. This causes many people to avoid dairy products altogether. We’ve solved that problem with Diges-TEN.

Lactase - 43mg - This enzyme breaks down lactose into simpler compounds the body can digest. By taking lactase, you can enjoy and get the benefits of quality dairy products.(14)

Digest Best Blend - 190mg
Finally, we’ve also included a blend of compounds that work together to enhance digestion and relieve digestive issues. This blend includes Ginger Root, Turmeric Powder, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract, and Artichoke Leaf Powder.