
Iron Legion: Invictus
Invictus by Iron Legion is androstenetriol (Androstene-3 beta-7 beta-17 beta-triol) -- a powerful cortisol suppressant and immune boosting agent -- in a revolutionary and patent-pending transdermal delivery system, designed to boost bio-availability to levels that would simply not be possible via oral administration. In other words it delivers more of the active ingredient b-AET into your bloodstream. Invictus by Iron Legion represents the next step in commercial physique enhancing formulas, and the results it generates will need to be seen to be believed!
Iron Legion Invictus Key Benefits
- Increased Fat Loss
- Control Cortisol Levels
- Maintain Muscle Mass
- Zero Conversion to HPTA Suppressive Hormones
- Can be Used During PCT
- Can be Stacked with Fat Burner of Choice
Androstene-3 beta-7 beta-17 beta-triol (b-AET) represents a key naturally occurring 7-hydroxy dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) metabolite. Produced from the adrenal gland, DHEA and its sulfate are the major circulating adrenal steroids in humans. Studies on Androstenetriol show its ability to strongly counteract cortisol and boost lymphocyte activity.
Cortisol is one of the body’s most abundant and important endogenous steroids. Listing in detail the expansive list of cortisol’s many functions in our body is a nearly impossible task, to summarize we can say that cortisol’s role in the human body is to break down bodily tissue and nutrients for the purpose of energy provision (to be catabolic), to act as an immunosuppressive, and to regulate blood sugar. In a nutshell, cortisol is responsible for inhibiting many of the processes that we as fitness enthusiasts want to start, and for starting many of the processes that we want to inhibit.