
XPG: Suppress-C, 100ml Topical
Advanced Cortisol Control Gel
Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix
Suppress-C contains B-Androstenetriol, a naturally occurring DHEA metabolite that is commonly associated with reducing cortisol levels.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that is commonly associated with increased fat storage (especially in the abdominal area and love handles) and with being catabolic (breaking down muscle tissue).
B-Androstenetriol Highlights:
- Supports Cortisol Control
- Supports Fat Loss
- Helps Preserve &/or Build Lean Muscle
- Possibly Anti-Inflammatory Actions
Ask yourself a few questions:
- Are you having a hard time losing fat?
- Does your progress feel stuck in a rut?
- Do you find yourself holding fat in your abdominal area and love handles?
- Are you having a hard time building lean muscle?
- Do you need or wish to retain lean muscle while dieting?
People that answer yes to any of the above questions may be interested in B-Androstenetriol.
Note: Suppress-C contains approximately 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per 1 ml.
Does the name Suppress-C sound familiar? The name Suppress-C was at one time synonymous with topical cortisol control products. So much so that Xtreme Performance Gels purchased the naming rights to Suppress-C to bring back this legendary name. If that isn’t exciting enough, Xtreme Performance Gels has acquired the rights to another legendary topical name/formulation and will be reintroducing it as well in the coming months. |
Xperience the Suppress-C Difference Today!